15 Hall of Heroes Big Ideas 1: The Practice of Science 2: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge 4: Science and Society Traveling Exhibit May 18 – September 2, 2019 Through immersive experience, Hall of Heroes brings students into the world of gadgets, superheroes, spies, and crime- fighters. Upon entering the Hall of Heroes, students immediately find themselves in the thick of the action in an ambitious, custom-built space. Their journey takes them through several themed environments with surprises around each corner like the full-scale "half" replica of the 1960’s Barris Kustoms’ Batmobile. The exhibit features intriguing, informative displays with props, costumes, memorabilia and more. Students will learn the circumstances that create superheroes, discover the ideals that heroes uphold, and push boundaries as to what it truly means to be heroic in the Hall of Heroes!